Privacy and cookies policy

Information about the processing of personal data

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR “, we would like to inform you that:

The administrator of your personal data will be Agrocontractor Sp. z o. o. based in Chełmno, ul. Magazynowa 2, 86-200 Chełmno; entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Toruń, VII WG KRS under KRS number 0000999677; with NIP: 8751566829, REGON: 523529224; with a share capital of PLN 5,000.00.

Purposes and basis of data processing

Users of the inquiry form for sowing or harvesting services

We process personal data for the purpose of:

concluding and performing the contract between us – for the duration of the contract and settlements after its completion,
detecting and preventing abuse – for the duration of the contract,
contacting you, including for purposes related to the provision of services, via telephone, e-mail, traditional mail.
Fulfillment of a legal obligation – pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter c) GDPR:

performing our legal obligations, such as: issuing and storing invoices and accounting documents – for the time necessary to fulfill this obligation (e.g.: tax regulations).

Legally justified interests of PDC – pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR, such as:

  • determining, defending or pursuing claims – for the period until the limitation period for claims, or for the period of proceedings by competent authorities or courts in the event of claims, i.e. a period of 5 years or the warranty period,
  • for internal purposes of creating reports, analyzes and statistics – for the duration of the contract,
  • for the purposes of keeping records of incoming and outgoing correspondence – perpetually,
  • for the purposes of marketing ADO products and services.

Conducting marketing offered by Agrosharing Sp. z o. o. machines/equipment/parts from various manufacturers without providing them with your personal data.

If you make payments through a bank or payment institution, we will come into possession of your data in the form of a bank account (account) number, which we will process for purposes related to the performance of the contract or for the legally justified interests of the PDC.

Contact form

We process personal data for the purpose of:

ensuring the possibility of answering questions from interested persons, including questions about the availability of the service, which constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR),
conducting direct marketing (including sending commercial information, which constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR) – if consent has been granted on the basis of separate provisions,
establishing, defending or pursuing claims (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).
We process personal data until the limitation period for claims expires, and in the case of processing for marketing purposes – until an objection is raised or consent granted under separate regulations is withdrawn.

You have rights, which we will fulfill upon request for:

  • requesting access to personal data and, subject to legal provisions: the right to rectify them,
  • request to delete or limit processing,
  • objection to processing,
  • transfer of personal data processed in IT systems to another administrator.

In the case of achieving the purposes listed in letter a point 2, providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to achieve these purposes. In the case of the purposes arising from letter b point 2, providing personal data is a legal obligation. We achieve the goals listed in letter c, point 2 on the basis of data provided in connection with the purposes listed in letters a and b or data collected in specific situations (e.g. sending correspondence).

If your data is processed on the basis of consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, with legal effect from the moment of withdrawal.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Your personal data may be shared:

public administration bodies, courts, bailiffs in the scope of situations provided for by law,
entities with which ADO cooperates in the field of debt collection, legal and IT services,
manufacturers of machines/equipment rented by us/ primarily in connection with granting guarantees,
As of the date of collection of your personal data, we do not plan to transfer them outside the EEA (including the European Union, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland), including in the future, about which you will be informed in advance.

You will not be subject to automated decision-making activities and will not be subject to automated profiling.

If you want to contact the ADO in matters related to the processing of personal data, in particular in connection with submitting an application for the exercise of your rights, please contact us at the e-mail address:, or the ADO correspondence address, with the note “IOD”.